The GIGA III program and abstract book are now available for download!
Speakers: Please check the time of your talk as there were some changes to the program after abstract e-mails were sent out. Regular talks will have a 15 minute time slot (~12 minutes per talk + ~3 for questions / switching presenters).
Poster presenters: CARMABI has a rail system for A0 sized posters (841 × 1189 mm) in portrait orientation. Fear not if your poster is already made in another size / format - there are places where posters of other sizes can be hung.
Speakers: Please check the time of your talk as there were some changes to the program after abstract e-mails were sent out. Regular talks will have a 15 minute time slot (~12 minutes per talk + ~3 for questions / switching presenters).
Poster presenters: CARMABI has a rail system for A0 sized posters (841 × 1189 mm) in portrait orientation. Fear not if your poster is already made in another size / format - there are places where posters of other sizes can be hung.